Visiting another country can put you at risk for diseases. Getting vaccinated against certain diseases is one of the most effective things you can do to protect your health abroad.
Plan to get the travel vaccines you need at least a month before your trip. Most vaccines need to be given ahead of time to give you full protection against a disease.
We offer a comprehensive travel vaccination service with advice and vaccinations tailored to your specific travel plans. Our travel clinics are open to all patients registered at Indigo Medical.
We are a certified Yellow Fever Vaccination Centre. Please see the link below for further information.
We advise you to make an appointment at least 4 to 6 weeks before your departure date and it is helpful to tell the receptionist your destination(s) and date of travel.
Travel clinic offers
- A comprehensive risk assessment of your travel plans.
- Advice on any vaccines and anti-malarial medication you may require.
- Up-to-date advice on other issues related to your travel plans.
- The ordering of any special vaccines.
- A recall system for boosters.
Your initial appointment may take up to 30 minutes so please allow
plenty of time. You will be charged a consultation fee for your first
appointment and a reduced consultation fee for each booster
appointment plus the price of the vaccines. Please note that the price
of vaccinations vary. Fees should be paid for on the day of the